Going into the summer I believed that I was more than equipped to take on the task before me. I thought “How hard could being a counselor be? I’m just watching a handful of guys in the wilderness; and it’s not like they are going to run away. WHERE would they go?!” 3 weeks, and many experiences later I realized that my expectations were shaky at best. I have learned so much about leadership, faithfulness, and trust this summer. God is truly amazing in His grace, and looking back, my only hope is that the campers learned half as much as I did. God grew me more than I could have imagined, and I know that He used me for good despite my blindness and pride. I am so thankful that I got to work with my campers, Karson, Zack, Ethan, Nathanael, Ford, and my co-counselor Roland. We had fun times, and we had frustrating times, but throughout it all, we grew. I had a great time! And I would not have missed it for the world.
Week two and the backpacking trip down. God has been gracious and everyone returned safely. The trail truly tested the mettle of the young men, and most of them finished like champs (though they were tired, and slept for most of the return transit to main camp)! Sore feet, sore shoulders, and sore muscles were the worst of our worries. In the end, we have happy memories and awe inspiring moments relishing in the beauty of God’s creation. Overlooking Lake Superior at sunset, and seeing vast forests were sights that I would never regret seeing! “Creation sings the Father’s song”.
First week down, and it feels like it just began. Getting to know these guys is absolutely amazing! Each one is so different, yet there is an enjoyable unity among the team. So far we are having a great time as a team! Basic week is over, and many skills have been learned. Woodcarving, blade safety, canoeing, mountain biking, and many others are among the skills and camp-crafts that we have dabbled in. Two more weeks to go. It will definitely be interesting learning with and about them as the next week flies by.
Drew grew up in a ministry family. His early years he spent in a tiny camp in Ohio, and in 2012 his family moved to Victory. His dad still faithfully serves as part of the staff. During the first year of adventure camp, six years ago, Drew was a camper and loved it! Drew has been in many camps and has always understood the value of camp ministry. That is why he decided to join the Venture internship program and take part of the ministry that is going on at Victory. Drew loves the Lord and knows that this year will be a “challenging and profitable experience that is full of personal growth.” Drew has completed one year of his undergraduate in Biblical counseling at Maranatha Baptist University in Watertown Wisconsin. Drew hopes to be a positive impact on your sons and come along side them and lift them towards Jesus Christ. He says “Jesus means the world to me! There is no telling where I would be without Him in my life. He has changed me and I am so grateful and I strive to be closer and more impressed with his awesomeness every day!”